Tuesday, May 3, 2005


The Spoken Column

Below is a fragment of the 'spoken column' that Ellian delivered on the Dutch news program NOVA on March 24th 2004.

"(...) Calling for violence, inciting to hatred are the limits to our freedom. The jihadists, salafists, in short, the islamists, are the enemies of a free society. And still, the AIVD[v] claims that it is the influence of critical pundits that is creating a favorable climate for jihad.

Do you remember: the affair surrounding Salman Rushdie, about whom Ayatollah Khomeini has issued a fatwa, containing a death sentence? Across the world attacks were made on the translators and publishers of Rushdie's book. To this day England has spent millions to protect Rushdie. And remember: there were Muslims who used this book as an alibi to join a terrorist organization. But the MI5, Britain's secret service, still sees it as their duty to protect Rushdie and to consider the enemies of Rushdie as the enemies of England. Freedom is not negotiable and the armed jihad is a form of organized crime. Not freedom, but the criminals have to be warned.

(...) Nonetheless, I am glad that Rushdie is not Dutch, because then, for the sake of safety and with the approval of the minister of foreign affairs, the AIVD and several columnists, he might have been turned over to the beard-men a long time ago. As a thinker you can sometimes go mad and weary of the tyrannical tendencies of the Dutch bazaar of opinions."


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